Yakima Bait Walleye Delight Spinner Harness – Glitter Chartreuse Pink Tiger


SKU: 167452-2362975 Category:

Give finicky walleye a look that's too enticing to ignore. The Yakima Bait Walleye Delight Spinner Harness features the strike-inducing provocation of a Spin-N-Glo body with rotating wings, plus the extra lift of Corky spacers to keep your bait riding in the strike zone at all times. This colorful 2-hook harness is ideal for presenting a crawler or leech behind a bottom bouncer or inline weight, just off bottom or anywhere in the water column. Pre-snelled with premium monofilament. Colorful 2-hook crawler harness Spin-N-Glo body with rotating wings Corky spacers add extra lift Snelled on premium monofilament