Rocky Mountain Tackle Signature Spinner – UV Pink Splatter


SKU: 10178-1555705 Category:

The Rocky Mountain Tackle Signature Spinner™ is crafted with a free-spinning, hi-vis dakota blade followed by Radical Glow Beads. These beads provide over 10 times the brightness and 8 times the duration of conventional glow products, and have proven to be highly appealing to both trout and walleye, especially in murky water or low-light conditions. This premium 2-hook rig is tied on 30" of 14-lb. test monofilament with a stirrup clevis and #4 red octopus hooks. Hi-vis 2-hook spinner rig for trout and walleye Free-spinning dakota blade with stirrup clevis Extra-bright, long-lasting Radical Glow Beads Tied on 30" of 14-lb. test monofilament #4 red octopus hooks